Further information for Parents/Carers
The Preschool Learning Alliance contains a number of resources and guidance to support childcare providers and parents / carers:
If you visit the below page you will see links to a number of PDF documents, including the Early Years Foundation Stage requirements:
- The Learning and Development Requirements which shape the activities an experiences that childcare providers offer children.
- The Assessment Requirements which detail how childcare providers monitor and plan for children’s progress.
- The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements which ensure children are kept safe and have their welfare promoted.
The Preschool Learning Alliance also contains information on the Prevent Duty Guidance which came into effect on 1 July 2015.
The 4Children Website also provides a wide variety of resources available to parents / carers, including ‘What to expect, when?’ – Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage.
The Derbyshire Safeguarding Children’s Board website on the below link provides details of how to recognise / idenitfy possible safeguarding issues / concerns and the procedures to follow:
Please visit the Derbyshire Safeguarding Children’s Board website on the following link http://www.derbyshirescb.org.uk/par_esafety.html for further information on Internet Safety.
Handi App A new app has been launched to provide advice and support to parents, carers and healthcare professionals looking after children with the most common childhood illnesses.
Eat Better, Start Better: Getting children eating well for life means starting early. Action for Children are here to help you deliver great food for under-fives. Go to the bottom of the page for downloadable material.
Primary Schools
Church Broughton CE Primary School (Opens in a new window)
Egginton Primary School (Opens in a new window)
Hilton Primary School (Opens in a new window)
Longford CE Primary School (Opens in a new window)
Long Lane CE Primary School (Opens in a new window)
Other links
Derbyshire County Council (Opens in a new window)
Ofstead report for Sutton on the Hill Preschool (Opens in a new window)
Ready for School in Derbyshire (Opens in a new window)